Sunday, August 15, 2010

irritating phrases

It's time to eliminate, outlaw, stop, or even ban certain over used and irritating phrases. Please!
Not unlike fingernails, or the flat end of a piece of chalk on a blackboard, or a loud accelerating motorcycle in the next lane of traffic, these phrases make me ignore everything that is said after they are used, no matter how important the rest of the message may seem to be. It is lost on my deaf ears as I shut down all my senses to avoid being hit with two such phrases at once. If it is on a television interview, which is often the case, I grab the remote as quickly as possible, and change to "anything" , even Spongebob Squarepants is a welcomed relief at this time.
Those who are sqeemish, or are too young or sensitive may need to leave the room at this time, as we are about to reveal these most heinous expressions. "The whole nine yards." "More bang for the buck."
Please, please, please! Write to your congressmen and women, and get these phrases stopped.

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